The State Board of Education of Ohio has approved the standards presented by the Ohio Catholic School Accrediting Association (OCSAA) for maintaining accreditation for Catholic Schools. Saint Rocco Parish School is accredited and engages in strategic planning toward a vision of high performance implementing a course of study that meets diocesan requirements for each subject.
The school’s curriculum follows the Diocese of Cleveland Curriculum which is aligned with the National Common Core Standards. Teachers follow these standards to guide specific content to be mastered, the skills to be developed, and the means of assessment at each grade level.
Schedules for the students include the following curricular areas:
Religion Science Social Studies Art Music
Reading Mathematics Language Arts Technology Health
Foreign Language Physical Education
Correlated Areas of Study include:
Character Education Substance Abuse Education Study Skills
Multicultural Education Career Education
Saint Rocco Parish School is a provider for the Jon Peterson Scholarship Program. Students who have or become eligible for an Individual Education Plan (IEP) qualify for this scholarship. For additional information, visit the Ohio Department of Education website.
Homework extends the learning begun in the classroom, promotes independent study, encourages individual initiative, provides extra practice needed to perfect fundamental skills,
makes use of resources outside the school, recognizes individual differences and enriches learning.
Suggested time to be spent on homework each school day:
GRADES K- 1 15-20 minutes
GRADES 2-3 20-30 minutes
GRADES 4-5 30-60 minutes
GRADES 6, 7, 8 60-90 minutes
Assessment is an important component of the teaching and learning process. Evaluation helps teachers determine student progress and the effectiveness of current teaching strategies and methods. Fair and accurate assessment of the student is best achieved when various types of techniques are consistently used. Assessment of learning may be tests, quizzes, homework, projects, and the standardized testing program.
Assessment may also include: classroom participation, cooperative group learning projects, hands-on experiences, techniques reflecting multiple intelligence learning, observation and other activities where the student is actively engaged in the teaching and learning process.
A+ 100-98% B+ 92-90% C+ 84-82% D+ 76-75%
A 97-95% B 89-87% C 81-79% D 74-72%
A- 94-93% B- 86-85% C- 78-77% D- 71-70%
Honors will be awarded to students in Grades 4-8 quarterly using the following criteria:
First Honors A+, A, or A- in every subject Good effort and conduct
Second Honors All As and Bs in every subject Good effort and conduct
Merit Honors As, Bs, and two Cs in every subject Good effort and conduct
Principal’s Award Awarded to any student whose Good effort and conduct
grades have improved from the
previous quarter
Computer and physical education classes will be included in the equation for honors.
Students receiving two or more Code of Conduct Violations or In/Out of School Suspensions in one quarter will not be eligible for Honors that Quarter. At the end of the quarter, the administration will review disciplinary infractions regarding Academic Honors on a student-by-student basis. Decisions made by the administration are final.
The Principal, after consultation with the teacher and parent, makes the final decision as to the promotion or retention of a student. Retention is based on several conditions (such as behavior, effort, and homework completion AS WELL AS academic scoring) and is considered to be a serious matter. Completion of our Summer School Program does NOT automatically permit promotion to another grade. Students that transfer to our school from another location who are not in their regular grade due to retention may not be placed in their regular grade based upon request or circumstance. Saint Rocco Parish School follows the same regulations of the Ohio Department of Education.
Participating in standardized test programs offers data to assist the administrators and teachers in a systematic evaluation of the academic program to provide a high-quality education for the students. Saint Rocco Parish School participates in the following standardized tests:
NWEA Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Tests Kindergarten – 8
TESTING DATES for 2023-24 Sept 9th-Sept 27th
Reading & Jan 16th- Feb 2nd
Math Apr 15th- May 10th
It is SO IMPORTANT that your student(s) are ON TIME and IN SCHOOL during testing periods. Please make every effort to have your child in school during these times-as well as each and every other school day.
A student in a Catholic School is expected to be engaged in the academic process and rise to the challenge of a demanding curriculum. The goal is acquisition of basic knowledge and demonstrated skills that form the foundation of further studies. A student who accepts responsibility for his/her own performance practices the policy of academic honesty.
Academic dishonesty is cheating or the dishonest acquisition of assigned work or test/quiz results. A student who cheats on homework, class work, projects, tests, or quizzes is guilty of academic dishonesty. Copying someone else’s work removes the learning component and invalidates the homework. Plagiarism is “copying, either verbatim or in substance, the words or even the thoughts and opinions of another without crediting the author.” All sources must be referenced including literary courses, computerized sources and another student’s work.
Extracurricular opportunities are very important in a student’s development. Extracurricular activities have been shown to improve academic performance, help learn time management skills, allow for learning new skills, instill a sense of commitment and can be just plain fun.
Saint Rocco Parish School will be providing monthly clubs moderated by our teachers. A list of these clubs and sign-up sheets will be made available in September of each year.
Participation in Saint Rocco Parish School extra-curricular activities is contingent on acceptable grades and behavior.